
特刊征稿 | 关于“爱”的本质话题研究

Wiley威立 2022-11-26

Edited By: Heather Bortfeld, Michelle de Haan, and Paul C. Quinn

Impact factor (2021):4.939

5-Year Impact Factor: 4.966

CiteScore (2021): 9.4

Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2022): 17/80 (Psychology, Developmental)11/90 (Psychology, Experimental)

Online ISSN:1467-7687


The Nature of Love Revisited: How Social Bonds Shape Development



  • Empirical mechanistic work testing the consequences of loving relationships for children’s well-being, mental health, and long-term development, as well as their psychological, neurobiological, and hormonal underpinnings.

  • Empirical studies that provide a precise understanding of the nature of loving relationships or the critical mechanisms through which they impact children.

  • Empirical studies on the causal effect of interventions aimed at improving the quality of relationships in critical developmental periods.

  • Empirical studies examining the mechanisms by which loving relationships may improve children’s outcomes or buffer the impact of early adversity.


01 Feb 2023: Pre-submission inquiries due (but may be submitted at any time before this date).

15 Feb 2023: Invitations for full manuscript submissions sent.

01 June 2023: Complete manuscripts due via Developmental Science's ordinary Manuscript Central portal.

Late 2023/Early 2024: All articles published.


Peter Bos, Leiden University (Guest Editor)

Anne-Laura van Harmelen, Leiden University (Guest Editor)

Eddie Brummelman, University of Amsterdam (Guest Editor)

Heather Bortfeld, University of California, Merced (Editor-In-Chief)


Developmental Science aims to represent the very best of contemporary scientific developmental psychology and developmental cognitive neuroscience, both in the presentation of theory and in reporting new data. Developmental Science includes: comparative and biological perspectives, connectionist and computational perspectives, and developmental disorders. Developmental Science publishes work that bridges levels of explanation, such as from brain development to cognitive or social change, or work that specifically attempts to elucidate mechanisms of developmental change at one level. We do not consider submissions on aging, although studies on the effects of early experience on later development (especially those from a biological perspective) are welcome. Manuscripts judged to fall outside this remit may be rejected without full refereeing.



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