

全册精讲+ 班班通教学系统 2021-04-30
















1.。。。的成就/实现:the achievement of….

2.发起:一场战役:starta compaign   (Huaihai compaign)



4.使举止规矩:behave oneself

5.在。。。的阴凉处:in the shape of….

6.使。。。黯然失色:put+n in the shade

7.给。。。遮挡来自。。。的光线: shade +保护对象 from/against +光线来源

  Shade (阴凉处)------shadow(阴暗处,影子)

8.出发:move off=set off=set out

9.观察某人做某事:observe sb do/doing sth

10.argue 指说理-----quarrel  口角之争

   说服某人做某事:argue sb into doing sth--------argue sb out of doing sth

11.就某事与某人争执:argue with sb about sth

12.支持…:argue for--------反对 argue against (doing) sth

13.过着一种的生活:lead/live a ….life

14….涌入心头: crowd in (on sb)

15.支持某人做某事: surrpot sb in (doing) sth

16.支持…:in support of…=in favour of…

17.支持某人:support sb=give/lend/offer/provide supportto sb

18.轻视…:look down on +sb-----钦佩:look up to…

19.到处看看:look about /around…


21.回忆起…:look back on…=recall…

22. B中期待A:lookfor A in B

23.顺便拜访某人:look in +sb

24.顺便到某处看看:look in at +sp=come by=come over

25.调查某事:look into +sth=investigate=survey=research

26.展望未来:look ahead

27.看作…:lookon …as…=refer to …as…=see/view…as….=take…as…


28.参考:refer to…=turn to…=look up…

29.谈到:refer to…

30.涉及:refer to…=be concerned with…

31.发生:come about

32.偶然遇见:come across  (走过来),讲解清楚

33.紧跟:come winter+N

34.一起来:come along  (进展)

35.出现:come across+N=come along (with+N)(主动)

36.变化不断;come and go

37.攻击,..冲去:come at+sb

38.了解:come at+n=know about+n

39.重要:comebefore+n =be more important than…

40.被提交:come before=be handed in…

41.分开:come between+N

42.干涉:come between+N

43.阻碍:come between+N

44.记起…come back (to sb) 主动

45.重新流行:sth +come back

46.得到:come by+n =get+n

47.倒塌:come down


49.喜欢…:care for…=be knee on…=take delight in…=beinto…=go in for…

50.照顾...:care for…=see to…=attend to…

51.打算让某人做某事:intend sb for sth=intend sb to do sth

52.为了做…:be intended to do sth=be intended for…

53.被用作…:be intended as…

54.本打算做…;had intended=intend to have done  (同类词:hope,think,expect,mean)

55.忽视…:leave…into consideration

56.考虑到…:take…into consideration

57.作为的回报:inconsideration of….=in return  for…

58.生下…;give birth to…=be delivered of…

59.递送…:deliversth to sb =pass sth to sb


1.       共有:in common

2.       一样…:in common with…

3.       不平常的,非凡的:outof common

4.       有很多共同之处:have a lot/much in common (with…)

5.       没有很多共同之处:have little/not much in common (with…)

6.       有共同之处:have sth in common

7.       没有共同之处:have nothing in common

8.       判处某人死刑:put sb to death=sentence sb to death

9.       把某人打死:beat sb to death

10.   鼓励某人做某事:inspire sb to do =encourage sb to do

11.   实施…:carry out

12.   继续做某事:carry on (doing/with) sth

13.   使渡过难关;carry through

14.   几乎:as good as=almost=nearly

15.   准备…:preparesb sth=prepare sth for sb

16.   做准备;preparefor…

17.   准备…:prepare…

18.   谦虚:bemodest about…



1.      only+介词短语、状语,状语从句 ;放名首时,用部分倒装.

2.      inspire----inspiration(灵感)

inspired 受到鼓舞的,inspiring 鼓舞人心的

3.      受到的鼓舞:be inspired by…

4.      主谓一致:


 引号中的词或句子=1 “they”

 看数量词的量词短语:apair of shoes=1, a series of…

 The+adj>2, the+语言=1

 集体名词:指物=1; 指人>2


none,neither of+n=1;>2


The +n and n=1

Every,each,no,manya+n and Every,each,no,many a+n=1


:A+as well as,asmuch as,rather than,but,besides,like,including,with,together with, along with+B ,要看A部分的主语

a  +N+ortwo=1-----one or two +N>2

many a +N=1----more than one+N=1

one and a half+N>2




1.      struggle for… 为。。。而斗争

struggle with/against… 作斗争

struggle with  并肩作战

sruggle to do sth 努力做某事

2.      expand 面积扩张,extend 长度延伸

3.      rid A of B:使A摆脱 B

get rid of +对象 :摆脱

be rid of+对象 :摆脱

4.      be satisfied with…=be content with…:满意

5.      表示满意: express one’s satisfaction with…

6.      满意地: with satisfaction

7.      would rather +句子…did (现在,过去虚拟); …haddone (过去虚拟)

8.      prefer that+句子(虚拟句式;Ved/ (should)+V)

9.      后悔做某事:regret doing sth

10.  遗憾去做某事:regret to do sth

11.  建立:build up=set up

12.  增强某人的体质:build sb up

13.  增强…:build up…

14.  导致做..:lead to doing

15.  引导某人做…:lead sb to doing sth

16.  使某人得出…lead sb to +n

17.  集中注意…:focus on…

18.  减少到…:reduce to…

19.  减少了:… reduce by…

20.  沦落为..: bereduced to…= reduce …to…

21.  保护免受…: keep …from doing sth=keep …free of doingsth

              = prevent/stop sb (from) doingsth

              =protect/defend/preserve/free/save  sb from doing sth

22.  作出评论:make comments on/about+对象

23.  无可奉告:No comment

24.  未做任何解释:without comment


1.      装备某人 :equip sb with sth=sb be equipped with+sth

2.      而装备某人:equip sb for +目的

3.      怀有…: with the hope /purpose/aim/intention of…

4.      把希望寄托在:lay one’s hope on…

5.      AB混淆:confuseA with/and B

6.      造成损失:cause/do damage to +对象

7.      影响/侵袭…:affect +N




1.      作主语:

位置放在句首 Seeing is believing.

位置放在句末 (It’s…的句式)

 It’s funny /useless/worthwhile doing sth

 It’s no good/no use/no fun doing sth

 It’s a waste of time doing sth

2.      作宾语:

 固定动词后+Ving:resist ,deny ,admit,escape,prevent delay,forgive,appreciate,risk

                 Advice,suggest,imagine,forbid,can’tstand,avoid,contribute to,

                  get down to,stick to,leadto,devote oneself to…

既可加ing  to do:allow,advise,forbid,permit ,regret ,mean to do/doing

用主动表被动: sth need/want/require doing =sth need/want/require to be done

复合结构:逻辑主语:sb’sdoing/宾格 doing

否定句只在 Ving+Not  :Jack’snot coming..




1.       直到现在:up to now=up till now=till now=until now

2.       目前:for now

3.       使某人满足于…:content oneself with…

4.       感到满足:be(well) content with

5.       乐于做…;be content to do sth

6.       缺少的: badly off

7.       缺少..:be badly off for…

8.       宴请某人:entertainsb to sth

9.       使人快乐:entertainsb with sth

10.   穿旧的;worn-out

11.   筋疲力尽的:worn-out

12.   挑出:pick out

13.   分辨出:pick out=make out

14.   领会:pick out

15.   切断,砍下:cutoff

16.   断绝:cut off

17.   疾病使人死亡:…cut sb off

18.   使某人相信某事:convince sb of sth

19.说服某人做某事:convince sb to do sth

20.指导某人做某事:direct sb to do sth

21.给某人指去。。。的路: show/direct sb to …

22.担任。。。:star in…

23.把某事悄悄告诉某人:whisper sth to sb

24.在某人耳旁小声说:whisper sth in one’s ear

25.据秘密传闻:It’s whispered that…

26.低声说:speak in a whisper= in whispers=in a lowvoice

27.一团糟,处于困境中:be in a mess

28.弄乱:make a mess

29.对。。。起反应:react on…

30.对。。。过敏:react on…

31.反抗:react against…

32.因。。。而陶醉:be druck with



1.      某人因某事面惊讶;sb be astonished at sth=astionish sb with/by sth

2.      厌烦做…:be bored with (doing) sth

3.      烦透了:be bored to death

4.      乐观: optimism for/about sth

5.      乐观地:with optimism

6.      对。。。挑剔:be particular about

7.      有一次; on one ocassion=once

8.      偶尔:on occassion=occasionally=sometimes

9.      决不:on no occasion

10.  趁机做某事:take occasion to do sth

11.  在某事发生的时候:on the occasion of…

12.  自娱自乐:amuse oneself by doing sth

13.  因做某事而逗乐某人:amuse sb to do sth=amuse sb at sth

14.  作为。。。的解释:in explantion of/for…



1.      slide-glide 平稳而顺畅地滑(溜冰)

2.       slip不由自主地滑(摔倒)

3.      Ving 作定语:

A.    表示用途和性能:---指物

位置:放在名词前   Ving +n

A swimming pool a reading room


A flying bird    a waiting car


C.Ving 可以替代“定语从句”(简化)放在句词后面   n +Ving..


Who is the man that is standing by the door

=Who is the man standing by the door

总结1:Ving 表主动;

总结2:作定语时,Ving 可表进行时,不能将来时态


The house standing at the corner of the streetwas built in 1995

=The house which stands at corner of the streetwas built in 1995

总结3:作定语时,Ving 可表一般现在时,表经常性动作。



限制性:All mybrothers living in shanghai are scientists.

非限制性:All mybrothers, living in shanghai ,are scientists.



Here is Mr  Li comingfrom Beijing (X) (表状态不用进行时)

改:Here isMr  Li who comes  from Beijing


The man giving us a lecture last week left forshenzhen this morning(X)

(Ving 只表进行时,没有过去式)

改:The man whogave us a lecture last week left for shenzhen this morning


Those having finished their work can go homenow(X)(完成时,不做定语)

改:Those whohave finished their work can go home now







1.      代表,象征:represent sb/sth

2.      向某人描绘:represent sth to sb

3.      自称是…:represent oneself to be…

4.      做某事的方法: an approach to sth

5.      保卫以抵抗…: defend…against…

6.      保卫使免受侵犯:defend …from…

7.      很可能…:be likely to…

8.      总的来说: in general=on the whole

9.      大体上:generally speaking=as a general rule=in a general way

10.  总之:all in all=in a word=in conclusion

11.  自由自在; at ease

12.  丢脸:lose face

13.  挽回面子:save one’s face

14.  直视某人:look sb in the face

15.  转身背对:turn one’s back to…

16.  充耳不闻: turn a deaf ear to…

17.  视而不见:close one’s eyes to…

18.  轻视:turn one’s nose up at…=look down on…


1.      向某人打招呼:greet sb with sth

2.      作出反应:greet A with B

3.      有关联: have (no) association with…

4.      联合:in association with…

5.      主要研究…:major on sth

6.      主修..:major in…

7.      冲进:dash into…

8.      冲出:dash out of…

9.      把某物撞击在: dash sth against/on/to …

10.  冲过: dash across/through..

11.  在紧要关头:at a crossroads

12.  误解为…:misread …as…

13.  起重要作用:perform an important function

14.  履行不同职责:perform different functions

15.  打手势:make a gesture at…

16.  打手势:gesture at…

17.  打手势示意某人做某事:gesture for sb to do sth

18.  世世代代:from age to age

19.  挨家挨户:from house to house

20.  口头相传:from mouth to mouth

21.  达成协议:reach/make an agreement

22.  遵守协议:keep an agreement

23.  破坏协议:break an agreement

24.  尊敬:be respectful to sb

25.  拥抱…:hug +n = give sb a hug

26.  如果是这样的话:if so

27.  如果有的话:if anything=if any

28.  要是有的话:if ever

29.  如果不是这样的话:if not

30.  如果有必要:if necessary

31.  如果有可能:if possible

32.  交流:communicate with.+sb

33.  相通:communicate with+sth

34.  传染给某人:communicate sth to sb


1.       Ving 作状语时,(简化)可相当于一个完整的状语从句

2.       Ving 有时态性: (主动时态)

A.     一般式:Ving(表示Ving动作和V谓同时发生;Ving=V)


When I was walking in the street,Imet an old friend of mine.(时间状语从句)

Walking in the street,Imet an old friend of mine.







B.      完成式:having done (Ving动作比V谓更早发生;Ving>V)


Because he had smoked too much,Tom has suffered fromlung cancer.(原因状语从句)

=Having smoked too much,Tom has suffered from lung cancer.

总结3;为什么改成Havingdone 形式?


   第二:因为原句had smoked >has suffered. (Ving动作比V谓更早发生;Ving>V)



If youwork hard at yourlessons,you are to succeed.( 条件状语从句)

=(If) working hard at yourlessons,you are to succeed  (同时发生)


Istood bythe door ,and I didn’t dare to say a word.(并列句)

= Istood by the door ,notdaring to say a word.(方式或伴随状语)


AlthoughI know all this,Istill want to see it for myself.(让步状语)

=( Although )knowing allthis,I still want to see it for myself


Footballis played all over the world,making it a popular sport.(结果状语)

I woke upin the morning,to find the outside world greatly changed.(结果状语)

总结4:Ving 表示结果是必然的因果关系

      To do 表示出乎意料的结果,用来表惊讶和失望




Judging from/by…  判断  frankly speaking  坦率地说

Personally speaking 就个人而言, providing 如果 =supposing  ,considering 考虑到


Considering the time ,we have decided to start earlytomorrow morning.

Judging from her accent,she must be from Arbiancountries.

Personally speaking,girls are more interested inliterature than boys.


4.Ving 的语态性:

主动:          被动:

Doing           being done

Havingdone       having been done


Havingbeen shown aroundthe factory,they were very happy.

Shown the factory,they were very happy.(此句不准确)


     但第一句,-ing 的被动,表示时间差很多,(show>were happy)

      第二句,VPP的被动,表示时间相差无久(show=were happy)

     记住:没有只是been done 的形式,要变成done.




1….的主题:the theme of…

3.       被某人所知道: be known/famous to +

4.       地方出名:befamous in +sp

5.       不足为奇:no wonder; It’s no wonder that…

6.       保护某人免受…:preserve sb from/against doing sth

7.       根据B模仿A:model A after/on B=A be modelled after/on B

8.       为榜样:modeloneself on sb

9.       少数的…: a minority of+n ---V/Vs  -----多数的…a/the majority of +n

10.   占少数:in the minority    ----占多数…in the majority

11.   提前In advance

12.   靠近:get close to…(动作)—beclose to …(状态)

13.   紧跟…:keep close to…

14.   差一点就…:come close to doing sth

15.   活跃起来,复活:cometo life

16.   使活跃起来,使复活:bring…tolife

17.   形成:…comeinto being

18.   生效:…comeinto effect


1.       more than …不只是,超过---()  nomore than…

2.       no more…than… 一样不

3.       more+adj than +adj :与其说不如说

4.       熟悉:be familiar with…

5.       所熟悉:+be familiar to +sb

6.       令某人感到好笑的是:to one’s amusement

7.       所特有的:beunique to…

8.       独断专行:go one’s own way

9.       随心所欲:get one’s own way

10.   在行进中:under way

11.   摸黑走:feel one’s way

12.   用这种方法:in this way=in this manner=by thismeans=with this method

13.   的长度:thelength of…

14.   长度为…:in length

15.   详细地:in detail=at length

16.   行善:do a goog deed =do good deeds.

17.   在言行方面:in word and in deed

18.   告终:come to the end

19.   达到目的:achieve/win one’s end

20.   时新的:up-to-date

21.   不时尚的:out-of-date

22.   外出游玩: go out for an outing=go on an outing

23.   据某人自己承认:By/on one’s own admission=as sb oneselfadmitted

24.   某人获准进入… sb gain admission to sp=admit sb to sp

25.   认罪: make an admission of guilt.


1.       按原来的样子: as ++be.---句末

2.       按当时实际情况:as it is/was+句子---句前,句中,句末

=as the matter stands=as the casestands=as matters stand=as things go/are,

3.       就像:,as it were,(作插入语用)

4.       注重实践的:hands-on

5.       亲身实践:hands-on practice

6.       ..传递下去:handon

7.       移交:hand over

8.       现成的: at hand

9.       求婚:askfor one’s hand

10.   现挣现吃的:from hand to mouth




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