
闽教版六年级英语下册Unit7 Part A 微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

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middle school    中学
teachers’office    教师办公室
study    学习
physics    物理
lab    实验室
chemistry    化学
bottle    瓶子
Edison    爱迪生
inventor    发明家
subject    科目
history    历史
geography    地理




1. Listen and follow.

Hi, boys and girls.

Welcome to Sunlight Middle School.

I'm Alice brown. I'll show you around our school.




This is our classroom building.

Our school library is on the first floor.

Teachers' offices are on the second floor.




Excuse me, Miss Brown.

We'll study physics at middle school.

Where are the labs?

They are on the 9th floor.

This way please.






2. Ask and answer.

Where are the reading rooms?

They are on the first floor.


Where are the teachers' offices?

They are on the second floor.

教师办公室在哪里? 在二楼。 

Where are the classrooms for Grades 7?

They are on the third floor.

七年级的教室在哪里? 在三楼。 

Where are the classrooms for Grade 8?

They are on the first floor.

八年级的教室在哪里? 在一楼。

Where are the classrooms for Grade 9?

They are on the 5th floor.

九年级的教室在哪里? 在五楼。 

Where are the classrooms for Grade 10?

They are on the 6th floor.

十年级的教室在哪里? 在六楼。

Where are the classrooms for Grade11?

They are on the 7th floor.

 11年级的教室在哪里? 在七楼。

Where are the classrooms for Grade 12?

They are on the 8th floor.

 12年级的教室在哪里? 在八楼。 

Where are the science labs?

They are on the 9th floor.

科学实验室在哪里? 在九楼。 

Where are the computer rooms?

They are on the10th floor.

电脑室在哪里? 在十楼。

3. Listen and learn the English sounds.

al    tall    walk

au    August    Australia

or    horse    short

oor    door    floor


Unit 7 A Visit to a Middle School

Part A



t_ll 高的 A_gust 八月 s_w see 的过去式

ho_se 马 doo_门 wa_k走路

A_stralia 澳大利亚 d_aw画画 s_ort 矮的

2、找出下列词语中不属于同一类的词,并将字母标号填写在题前括号内。(7 分)

(  ) 1. A. school  B .library  C. teacher’s office

(  ) 2. A. classroom  B . buliding  C reading-room

(  ) 3. A. lab  B .science lab  C. physical lab

(  ) 4. A. ninth  B .floor  C. sixth

(  ) 5. A .show  B. science  C.chemical

3、选择正确的答案,并将其编号填在括号里 。

(  ) 1.  Labs are on the___ floor

A.first  B. ninth  C.sixth

(  ) 2. Reading-rooms are on the___ floor

A. first  B. second  C. third

(  ) 3. Teacher’s Offices are on the___ floor

A. first  B. second  C. third

(  ) 4.Computer Rooms are on the___ floor

A. first  B. tenth  C. third

(  ) 5 ______show you around the middle school.

A. YangMing  B.Lily  C. Ms.Brown

4、连词成句。(注意句首大写 )

1.  middle  to  school  welcome

2.  will  physics  study  we  school  middle  at

3.  ninth  on  the floor  are they

4.  are where  reading-room  the

5.  ninth  are  on  they  the  floor

1  a  u  a  r  r  l  u  r  h

2  A  B  A  B  A

3  B  A  B  B  C

4  Welcome to middle school.

We will study physics at middle school.

They are on the ninth floor.

Where are the reading- room?

They are on the ninth floor


