
闽教版六年级英语下册Review 2 微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃六年级资源 2021-08-10



1. Look, think and say.

Unit 5

What does he do?

He is the farmer.


What does he do?

He is the doctor.

 他是做什么的? 他是医生。

What does she do?

She is a worker.

 她是做什么的? 她是一名工人。 

What does she do?

She is a cook.

她是做什么的? 她是一名厨师。 

What's his job?

He is the basketball player.

他的工作是什么? 他是篮球运动员。

What's her job?

She is the dancer.

 她的工作是什么? 她是舞蹈演员。 

Where are the jobs?

They are police officers.

工作在哪里? 他们是警察。

Unit 6

Do you want to be a nurse?

Yes, I do.


Do you want to be a teacher?

Yes, I do.

你想成为一名教师吗? 是的,我想。 

Do you want to be a taxi driver?

Yes, I do.

你想成为一名出租车司机吗? 是的,我想。

Do you want to be a singer?

Yes, I do.

你想成为一名歌手吗? 是的,我想。 

Will you be a math teacher?

No, I won't.

你会成为一名数学老师吗? 不,我不会的。 

Will you be a PE teacher?

Yes, I will.

你会成为一名体育老师吗? 是的,我会的。

Will you be a PE teacher?

No, I won't.

 你会成为一名体育老师吗? 不,我不会的。

Will you be a doctor?

Yes, I will.

 你会成为医生吗? 是的,我会的。

Unit 7

Where are the reading rooms?

They are on the first floor.

阅览室在哪里? 在一楼。

Where are the teachers' offices?

They are on the second floor.

教师办公室在哪里? 在二楼。

Where are the science labs?

They are on the ninth floor.

科学实验室在哪里? 在九楼。

Where are the computer rooms?

They are on the tenth floor.


You will learn physics at middle school.

Physics will be my favorite subject.


You will learn chemistry at middle school.

Chemistry will be my favorite subject.

你将在中学学习化学。 化学将是我最喜欢的科目。 

You will learn the history at middle school.

History will be my favorite subject.

你将在中学学习历史。 历史将是我最喜欢的科目。 

You will learn the geography at middle school.

Geography will be my favorite subject.

你将在中学学习地理。 地理将是我最喜欢的科目。

Unit 8

Why not make a year book?

Why not invite parents to the party?

Why not take some photos of our class?

Why not made a DVD for our class?





Do you remember this photo?

It was Sally's birthday party.

We gave her a rabbit.




Do you remember this photo?

We went for a spring outing last year.

Miss Gao took this photo of us.




3. Read. Tick or cross. 

I love my class. We had a wonderful time together. Last year we went for a spring outing. We climbed a mountain. At the top of the mountain, Miss Gao took this photo of us.我爱我的班级。我们一起度过了一段美好的时光。去年我们去春游了。我们爬了一座山。在山顶上,高老师给我们拍了这张照片。 

My classmates are very nice. They help each other. Wang Tao broke his leg in March. We went to hospital to see him. He was worried about his lessons.我的同学非常好。他们互相帮助。王涛在三月份摔断了腿。我们去医院看他。他担心他的功课。

Peter and I helped him with his English. Yang Ming helped him with his math. Lily helped him with his Chinese. Now he can keep up with us.  彼得和我帮助他学习英语。阳明帮助他学习数学。莉莉帮助他学习汉语。现在他可以跟上我们了。

I will go to a middle school in New York. I will leave China. I feel sad. I love my teachers. I love my class. I will call my friends in China. I will send them photos by email. 我将去纽约的一所中学。我将离开中国。我感到悲伤。我爱我的老师。我爱我的班级。我会打电话给我在中国的朋友。我会通过电子邮件给他们发照片。

I) Sally loves her class.

2) Sally will go to the USA.

3) Sally is worried about her lessons.






1.The children played h        at the party.

2.Yang Ling always f_          her homework on time.

3.I must study hard and read more books,because I want to be s__some day.

4.We must f_         the traffic rules on the road.

5.C__          Day is on the first of June.

6.Helen__         _(需要)a few eggs for breakfast.

7.The party begins at 8:00 p.m. and_           at 11:00p.m.

8.People in the UK          (欢迎)visitors.

9.David took many            (照片)in the holiday.

10.He wants to be an             (艺术家).


6.needs7.ends 8.welcome9.photos/pictures10.artist


