
人教版PEP英语六年级上册Unit6 How do you feel? 同步辅导资料

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6Unit 6

angry[ˈæŋɡri] 生气
afraid[əˈfreid] 害怕
sad[sæd] 难过的
worried[ˈwʌrid] 担心的;发愁的
happy[ˈhæpi] 高兴的
see a doctor[ˈdɔktə] 看病
wear[wɛə] 穿
more[mɔː] 更多的
deep[diːp] 深的
breath[breθ] 呼吸
take a deep breath 深深吸一口气
count[kaunt] 数数
count to ten[kaunt] 数到十
chase[tʃeis] 追赶
mice[mais] (mouse[maus]的复数)老鼠
bad [bæd] 邪恶的;坏的
hurt[həːt] (使)受伤
ill[il] 有病;不舒服
wrong[rɔŋ] 有毛病
should[ʃud, ʃəd, ʃd] 应该
feel[fiːl] 觉得;感到
well[wel] 健康;身体好
sit[sit] 坐
grass[grɑ:s] 草坪
hear[hiə] 听见
ant[ænt] 蚂蚁
worry[ˈwʌri] 担心;担忧
stuck[stʌk] 陷住;无法移动
mud[mʌd] 泥
pull[pul] 拉;拽
everyone[ˈevriwʌn] 每人


Unit 6 PartA 第一课时

Unit 6 PartA 第二课时

Unit 6 PartB 第一课时

Unit 6 PartB 第二课时

Unit 6 PartB 第三课时

Unit 6 PartB 第四课时

Hey. Let’s have some popcorn. 我们一起吃爆米花吧。
Yum! I’m so happy. 美味!我好开心。
I love popcorn! 我喜欢爆米花!
Here you are. I’ll go and get some drinks. 给你。我要去买些喝的。
Wait for me. 等我一下。
Hey, where’s my popcorn? 嘿,我的爆米花呢?
Yum! It was so good. 美味!很好。
What?! How could you eat all the popcorn?! 什么?你怎么能吃完所有的爆米花?
We should share! 我们应该分享!
Mum, if I feel angry, what should I do? 妈妈,如果我觉得很气愤应该怎么办?
Well, first, take a deep breath. 好,首先,深呼吸。
Then you should count to ten. 然后数到十。
After that…? 之后呢……?
After that, you won’t feel so angry. 之后,你不会觉得那么生气了。
Mum, I feel ill. 妈妈,我觉得我病了。
Should I count to ten, too? 我也应该数到十吗?
No, dear. You should see a doctor. 不,亲爱的。你应该看医生。

It’s cold outside. Sam is talking with Sarah. Listen and circle. 

It’s so cold in January. 一月很冷。
Yes. But we can staiy inside and watch film. 是的。但是我们可以呆在屋里看电影。
Great. I like cartoons. 太棒了。我喜欢动画片。
Yes, me too. 我也是。
They make me feel happy. 他们让我觉得很开心。
Unit 6 A Let’s talk
Sam: What’s this cartoon about? 这个动画片是讲什么的?
Sarah: It’s about a cat. The cat is a police officer. 猫。在动画片里猫是一名警察。
Sam: Cool! 酷!
Sarah: He chases the mice. They’re afraid of him. 它捉老鼠。它们很怕他。
Sam: Why? 为什么?
Sarah: Because the mice are bad. They hurt people. 因为老鼠很坏。它们伤人。
The cat is angry with them. 猫很生气。
Sam: Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now! 或许我们的猫现在在捉老鼠呢!
Why is the cat angry with the mice? 为什么猫很生老鼠的气?

Sarah is angry. The cat is afraid. 萨拉很生气。猫很害怕。
The cat is ill. Sarah is sad. 猫生病了。萨拉很伤心。
Sarah and the cat are worried. 萨拉和猫都很担心。
They are happy. 他们很开心。
Write and say
He is worried.
They are happy.
He is angry.
She is sad.
I am afraid.

It’s seven o’clock in the morning, and it’s time to get up. Listen and circle. 

Ah-Choo! 阿嚏!
Bless you. 保佑你。
Oh, no! You have a fever. 哦,不!你发烧了。
You should see a doctor. 你应该看医生。
Oh, but what about the zoo? 哦,但是动物园怎么办?
It’s OK. I will tell the kid. 没关系,我会跟孩子们说。
1. Who is talking? 谁在谈话?
2. What are they talking about? 他们在谈什么?
B Let’s talk
Mum: Sarah, Sam, come here, please. 萨拉,萨姆,过来。
Sarah: What’s wrong? 怎么了?
Mum: Your father is ill. 你们爸爸生病了。
He should see a doctor this morning, so we can’t go to the zoo today. 他今早得看医生,所以我们今天不能去动物园了。
Sam: Oh, no! 哦不!
Mum: Don’t be sad. We can go next time. 别伤心。我们可以下次去。
Sam: How does Dad feel now? 爸爸现在觉得怎么样了?
Mum: Not well. Let’s go to the hospital. 不太好。我们一起去医院吧。
How does Sam feel? What should he do? 萨姆觉得怎么样?他应该怎么办?

Act with your friends.
Your friends need some help.
Call them and give your suggestions.
I’m angry.
Don’t be angry.
You should take a deep breath.
I’m ill.
You should see a doctor.
I am sad.
Don’t be sad.
Take a deep breath.

Listen again and circle the right answers.
How does cold weather make John feel? 冷天气让乔恩有什么感受?
Who should Wu Yifan see? 吴一凡应该看谁?
How does Oliver feel now? 奥利华现在觉得怎么样?
What should Zhang Peng do? 张鹏应该做什么?

Mike, it’s snowing outside. 迈克,外面在下雪。
That’s great, John! 那很棒,乔恩!
Really? The cold weather makes me feel sad. 真的吗?寒冷的天气让我觉得难过。
Why? Look at the snow! It’s so beautiful. 为什么?看看雪!多好看。
Yes, I guess so. 是的,或许是吧。
It makes me feel so happy. 它让我觉得很开心。
Are you OK, Yi fan? 你还好吗,一凡?
No, I feel ill. 不,我觉得生病了。
Oh, dear. Do you have a headache? 哦,亲爱的。你头疼吗?
Yes, I do. 是的。
You should see a doctor. 你应该看医生。
Oliver, what’s wrong. 奥利华,怎么了?
I’m so angry. 我很生气。
Oh, you should count to ten. Why are you angry? 哦,你应该数到十。为什么生气?
Someone took my sunglasses. 有人拿走了我的太阳镜。
No, they’re are your head. 不,它在你头上。
Oh, yes. Hehe. 哦,这样。呵呵。
Ah-choo! 阿嚏!
Are you OK? Zhang Peng? 你还好吗?张鹏?
Yes, I’m fine. 是的,我很好。
Wear warm clothes, it’s cold outside. 穿点厚衣服,外面很冷。
I will. Thanks. 我会的。谢谢。

Zip: My favourite TV show is on soon. 我最喜欢的电视节目要播了。
Let’s watch it. Do you have any popcorn? 我们一起看吧。你有爆米花吗?
Zoom: I’ll go and make some. 我们去做一些,
Zip: I can’t wait. I love popcorn. I’m so happy! 我等不及了。我喜欢爆米花。我好开心!
Zip: He must be making lots of popcorn. Yum! 他一定在做很多爆米花。美味!
Zip: Where is he? I’m a little worried now. 他在哪?我现在有点担心。
I’ll go and check. 我要去看看。
Zip: Oh! Zoom, what are you doing here? 哦!祖姆,你在那做什么?
Zoom: I’m making popcorn. 我在做爆米花。
Zip: What? 什么?
Zoom: Oh, don’t be angry! Count to ten and take a deep breath. 哦,别生气!数到十并深呼吸。
Well, I planted the popcorn seeds. 好,我在播种爆米花的种子。
But they take a long time to grow. I’m still waiting. 但是它们需要很长时间去生长。我还在等。
Zip: Oooooh nooo! 哦——不!










