

良知学校 2022-10-11








Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?


Section A 1a-1c

1.want to do sth.想要做某事

2.watch a game show观看游戏节目

3.game show(game shows)游戏节目

4.talk show(talk shows)脱口秀

5.I don’t mind.我不介意。

6.soap opera(soap operas)肥皂剧

7.sports show体育节目

8.sitcom=situation comedy情景喜剧

9.talent show才艺表演,选秀节目

10.a piece of news一条新闻

11.two pieces of news两条新闻

12.soccer game足球比赛

13.want to watch想要看

14.think of\ about认为,觉得

15.What do you think of talk show? = How do you like talk show?你觉得脱口秀怎么样?1a1.Do you want to watch a game show?句型:want to do sth.想要做某事

1)I want   to watch   (watch) Home with Children.

2)They want   to go  (go) to the park.

3)I want  to be   (be) an actor.

4)Jim wants  to go  (go) fishing.

1c2.Then let’s watch a talk show.句型:Let’s+v-原型,让我们做某事

1)Let’s   go  (go) to the museum next week.

2)Let’s   play   (play) the piano.   3)Let’s   watch  (watch) a movie.

Section A 2a-2d


2.plan to do sth.计划做......

3.Days of Our Past《我们逝去(过去)的日子》

4.make a plan to do sth.计划做......

5.make plans to do sth.计划做某事

6.watch the news看新闻

7.every night每天晚上

8.hope to do sth.希望做某事

9.find out找到,找出,查明(结果)

10.around the world= all over the world世界各地,全世界

11.in class在课堂上

12.have a discussion about进行了一次关于......的讨论

13.TV show电视节目

14.like to do sth.喜欢做某事(侧重于偶然性)

15.like doing sth.喜欢做某事(侧重于经常性、习惯性爱好)

16.follow the story追剧情,跟着故事情节

17.my favorite TV show我最喜欢的电视节目

18.learn a lot from.........中学到了很多

19.expect to do sth.期待(期盼)做某事

20.TV reporter电视台记者

21.one day有一天

22.some day总有一天,有朝一日

2b3.Sally likes to watch the news of talk shows.  

句型: like to do sth.喜欢做某事(侧重于偶然性)like doing sth.喜欢做某事(侧重于经常性、习惯性爱好)

1)My English teacher likes wearing (wear) a pair of glasses.

2)Dao Yunkun likes  to drink  (drink) today.

2b 4.She plans to watch Days of Our Past tonight.

句型:plan to do sth.计划做某事

1) I plan  to go  (go) fishing.  2)He plans  to make  (make) dumplings.

2c 5.Because I hope to find out what’s going on around the world.

句型:hope to do sth.希望做某事

1)I hope   to have  (have) a koala.  2)Jim hopes   to see (see) a film.

2d6.Oh, I can’t stand them.句型:动词后面的代词多用宾格。

1)I want   him  to go out and get some water for me.(he)

2)You must tell  her  what you think.(she)

2d7.They’re boring.句型:以-ed结尾修饰人,以-ing结尾修饰物。

1)The game is_________.(boring, bored) 2)No one feels ________.(boring, bored)

2d8.Well, they may not be very exciting, but you can expect to learn a lot from them.句型:expext to do sth.期待(期盼)做某事

1)I expect   to learn learn) something useful at school.

2)We’ll expect  to see  _(see) a UFO one day.

3)We expect   to go  (go) to the Mount Tai.

4)He expects  to be  (be) a good teacher.

2d9.I hope to be a TV reporter one day.

one day



some day



1)I saw a beautiful bird  one day.

2)We will meet again  some day _.

Section A Grammar Focus

1.learn from sitcoms从情景喜剧中学习

2.learn some great jokes学习一些很棒的笑话

3.love to do sth.like to do sth.喜欢做某事(侧重于偶然性)

4.love doing sth.喜欢做某事(侧重于经常性、习惯性爱好)

5.on TV在电视上

6.Animal World动物世界

7.How about you?= What about you?那你呢?

8.be true for sb.符合某人,对某人来说是真的

9.learn from the news从新闻中学习

10.watch a movie看电影

11.watch a sitcom看情景喜剧

Grammar Focus10.What can you expect to learn from sitcoms?

句型:learn ...from......中学习,跟......学习

1)We can learn a lot from lives. 2)I want to  learn  something useful from you.

3)I want to   learn  an English song   from  TV show.

Section B 1a-1e

1.action movie动作片

2.scary movie恐怖片

3.watch talk shows看脱口秀(选秀节目)

4.kung fu movies功夫片

Section B 2a-2b

1.watch cartoons看动画片

2.favorite cartoon最喜欢的动画片

3.one very famous symbol一个非常著名的象征

4.the black mouse with two large round ears有两只又大又圆的耳朵的黑色老鼠

5.Mickey Mouse米老鼠

6.over \ more than 80 years ago80多年前

7.in the cartoon在卡通片里

8.Steam Willie威利号汽船

9.come out出现,出版,发行,开放

10.in New York在纽约

11.on November 18,192819281118

12.the first cartoon with sound and music第一部有声音和音乐的动画片

13.the man behind Mickey米老鼠的幕后之人

14.Walt Disney沃尔特.迪斯尼

15.in the 1930s20世纪30年代

16.make 87 cartoons制作了87部动画片

17.cartoon animal卡通动物

18.one of+n. (pl.)... ......之一,其中之一

19.ne of the main reason其中的一个重要原因

20.be like

21.a common man一个普通()

22.try to do sth.设法做,尝试做,千方百计做某事

23.face any danger面对各种(任何)危险

24.in his early films在他的早期电影(影片)中

25.have many problems有许多烦恼(问题)

26.such as例如

27.lose one’s house流离失所,失去房子

28.lose one’s girlfriend失恋,失去你朋友

29.be ready to do sth.准备好做......,愿意做......

30..try one’s best=do one’s best尽力做.....

31.try\ do one’s best to do sth.尽力做某事

32.go to the cinema=go to the movies去看电影

33.see the “little man” win看这个“小人物”如何获胜

34.most of them很多人,大多数人

35.on November 18,197819781118

36.the first cartoon character第一个卡通人物(角色)

37.have a star有一颗星星

38.on Hollywood Walk of Fame在好莱坞星光大道

39.so simple as......一样简单

40.a pair of一双,一对,一副

41.so+ adj.\adv.原级+as=as+ adj.\adv.原级+as_......一样

42.be famous for以某物而出名

43.be famous as以某人而出名_

44.be rich in富于(含于).....

45.see a film =go to the movies=go to the cinema=watch a movie

去看电影【2b11.But one very famous symbol in American culture is cartoon.

句型:be famous for以某物而出名;be famous as以某人而出名

1)Chen Xiang  is famous as   a singer.

2)Dao Jian is famous as a good student.

3)Jinggu is famous for mangoes(芒果).

4)Qin Junjie  is famous as as an actor.

2b12.One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger.句型:(1)One of+n.(pl.复数)+.....,其中之一,......之一;(2)One of+adj.最高级+n.(pl.)+.....,.......之一; (3)try to do sth.设法(试图、努力)做......try doing sth.试着做......

1)One of the ways  to get to school is by bike.(way)

2)Yao Ming is one of the tallest tall) men in China.

3)Mr. Li is one of  the most popular (popular) teachers in our class.

4)I’ll try to make (make) friends with everyone.

5)I tried to go  _(go) camping in American Lake last summer.

6)I want to try singing (sing) the song.

2b13.However, he was always ready to try his best.句型:be ready to do sth.准备好做某事,愿意做某事

1)I’m ready  to go  (go) to the USA.

2)They’re ready  to have  (have) a basketball game.

2b14.Today’s cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse, buteveryone still knows and loves him.句型:(1)as\so+adj. \adv.原级+as,和......一样;(2))不定代词做主语,相当于第三人称单数,谓语动词用单三。

1)Tao Zifu is as tall  (tall) as Daoyunkun.

2)He sings as good  (good) as Ren Xianqi.

3)Someone wants (want) to see you.

4)Everything  goes (go)well in our class.

Section B 3a-3c

1.be a symbol of\成为......的象征

2.cartoon culture卡通文化

3.Chinese culture中国文化

4.a smart\ clever\ bright man一个聪明的人

5.want to be like sb.想成为像某人一样的人

6.as\ so famous as ......一样出名

7.come from=be from出生于,来自

8.an exciting action movie一部令人激动(兴奋)的电影

9.come from an old Chinese story来自中国一个古老的民间故事

10.a village girl一个乡村女孩

11.dress up乔装打扮

12.dress up like a boy女扮男装

13.take one’s (sb.s) place to to sth.代替某人做某事

14.take her father to fight in the army替父从军

15.take sb’s place取代,代替

16.in the army在部队里,在军队里

17.the other actors别的演员

18.do a good job=well done做得好,干得好

19.in the movie在影片中

20.very much非常,很

21.love for......的热爱

22.something enjoyable一些令人愉快的事

23.the name of the movie


3a15.If you plan to watch a movie this weekend and you want to seesomething enjoyable, choose Mulan!句型:形容词修饰不定代词,不定代词+adj.

1)There are (something interesting, interesting something) in my school every day.

2)I want to buy (something special, special something) for my mother.

Section B 4-Self Check

1.what show什么节目

2.interesting information有趣的信息


1.—Do you want to watch a game show?你想观看游戏节目吗?—Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

2.I like watching the news.我喜欢观看新闻节目。

3.I hope to be a reporter one day.我希望有朝一日能够成为一名记者。

4.The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney.米老鼠的幕后之人就是沃尔特迪斯尼。

5.Mulan is an exciting action movie.《木兰》是一部令人兴奋的动作片。


(五)书面表达范文Unit 5我最喜欢的电影 (1)My Favorite Movies

Hello,boys and girls! My name is Li Lei. I’m 14 years old. My birthday is on October 31st.

I like watching movies very much. I like action movie and soap operas. My favorite actor is Qin Junjie. He is a great actor. And he is very handsome. I love him very much. He has many movies. For example, Open Your Map and The Prince of Tennis. It is about how Long Ma becomes a great tennis player, and win a good prize for Qingchun College. Its very exciting.

I really like it very much, because it is exciting and interesting. 大家好,我叫李雷。今年14岁。我的生日是10月31日。



(2)My Favorite TV Show我最喜欢的电视节目

 Hello,boys and girls! My name is Li Lei. I’m 14 years old. I like watching TV very much. Such as,night news, talent shows and Animal WorldBut Animal world is my favorite TV show.    

 Animals are human’s friends. I love animals. I can learn a lot from it. I am also able to watch many different kinds of animals from Animal World. They are very wonderful. Some are dangers  and scary animals, some are kind and cute animals, and some are in great danger. We should help them.

I love animals. And Animal World is my favorite TV show.

嗨,男孩们女孩们!我叫李雷。14岁。我非常喜欢看电视。 像晚间新闻、才艺表演和动物世界。

































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