
让我们一起跑起来 - 记颜希诚先生公益讲座

Eddie Kong APAPA俄亥俄 2019-05-20

上个星期天(2018年2月4日),我参加了Cincy APAPA Youth组织的第一个活动 — 颜希诚先生的公益讲座。 APAPA是一个旨在提高亚裔美国人政治意识和公民参与的组织, APAPA的目标是让亚裔美国人更多地参与到我们生活的国家中来。2017年的12月通过民主选举,全体投票,Cincy APAPA青年领导团队成立了。仅仅两个月的时间APAPA青年团就成功地参与并组织了这次公益讲座的活动。 


在这次活动之前,我们青年团就积极准备。利用每个人的社交渠道,散播信息,让更多的人知道这次讲座活动。虽然大家的学业都很忙,但我们还是抽出时间开了几次筹备会。每个人都有分工,我们的Chairman Ben和President Victor领导每次的电话会议,在开会时,我们会把每人的工作分清。Katie,我们的财务长,做了细致的经费预算,把各项花销明细搞好,分享给大家。Craig Qi 把flyer设计的很精美。大家积极配合,signup表一下子就满了。Alan Guo,我们的COO,负责跟踪所有报名的人,提醒他们会议的时间地点,保证我们有个满座率。我作为秘书长,每次会把会议的总结,开会的议程,及时补充,分享出去;会议有争议时,我会汇总大家意见,以便团队领导小组调控整个活动。青年团的成人志愿者们,也献计献策统筹协调,给我们提供了很大帮助,比如锁定最后的会议场地和现场音效调控。 


公益讲座活动的当天,我负责的是签到处。星期天我和我的小伙伴们提前到了会场。 开始的时候,我好紧张,我甚至问妈妈: 人来了,我应该用中文还是用英文跟他们问好。可是看着周围大人志愿者们微笑的脸,亲切地鼓励的话语,我慢慢放松下来。我知道我一定能行。 

参加会议的人陆续到来,我的紧张情绪烟消云散。 我帮助他们登记,写名牌。前来的听众们都很和蔼很耐心地看着我做这一切。 整个活动很顺利地进行。我们亚太裔真的是一个很好的社区。 







Let's run together


Last Sunday (February 4, 2018), I attended the first Cincy APAPA Youth event — Mr. Henry Yen’s seminar. APAPA is an organization that aims to the raise political awareness and civic engagement of Asian Americans. The goal of APAPA is to make Asian-Americans more involved in the country we live in. In December 2017, members of the APAPA Youth voted for our leadership team members, and the Cincy APAPA Youth Leadership Team was formed. In just two months, the APAPA Youth League successfully organized and executed this seminar. 



Before this event, our youth team was preparing for this event. We used each 

member's social channel to disseminate information so that more people know about the event. Although everyone's schedules are very busy, we found a way to have a conference to discuss the seminar. Each member had their own responsibility at the seminar. Our chairman Ben and President Victor led each conference call and we organized each member’s roles during the meeting. Katie, our treasurer, made a careful budget and shared out each of our expenditures to the other members. Craig Qi, our COM, designed and created the flyer, and it attracted many attendees very quickly.

Alan Guo, our COO, is in charge of keeping track of all attendees, reminding them of the time and place of meetings, and ensuring that we have a full attendance rate. As a secretary, I summarize the conferences and the agenda for the meeting directly after the meeting. When there is a difference of opinion, I gather everyone’s ideas so the leadership team can oversee the discussions. Adult advisors from the Youth League also coordinated and provided great help to us, such as finalizing the conference location and making sure the sound/projector system functions correctly during the seminar.


Execution of the seminar

When the attendees began to show up one after another, I helped

them check in, and I provided a name tag. The guests were also very kind

and patient when I was checking them in. The seminar ended up proceeding smoothly, and I also feel that the Asian community is remarkably kind.

Mr. Yen spoke about how to raise a successful child. I witnessed numerous 

amounts of parents attending the event to learn and listen to Mr. Yen. I deeply

appreciate the care and dedication that our parents give to us. Asians are a minority in the US, but we have many extraordinary leaders in all kinds of fields.


My Perception

 It is hard to balance learning and extracurricular activities, but I enjoy

participating in APAPA. Joining APAPA has improved my time management and social skills. The success of this event also demonstrated the organizational capabilities of our APAPA youth team. Through this seminar, I felt the enthusiasm the youth team had for public affairs. The seminar also increased my confidence in serving the community, and I am more willing to participate in community services. I am currently a seventh grader at Mason Middle School. I'm proud I am a member of the newly formed APAPA

Cincinnati Youth Chapter. In the coming years, I hope to be able to participate more in community activities, increase political awareness and civic leadership for Asian Americans, and grow with this team. 



  1. 2018年APAPA俄州暑期实习生项目开始接受申请

  2. 美妙的春节,欢乐的传统

  3. 2018年春节在美国

  4. 与陈霞芬夫妇家庭聚会分享书

  5. 【查理议政】绥靖与放任将引祸上身

  6. 大辛城中文学校把新春喜气吹满全城

  7. 华裔议员严厉谴责Rubio和Wray针对中国学生的极端言论 

  8. 封面少女 — Annie 张媛

  9. 记俄州华人协会主办的陈霞芬听证会集会助威活动

  10. 论美国华人的政治地位

  11. 音协把内蒙古大草原搬到辛辛那提

  12. 【读者之音】黎明前的沉思

关于APAPA Ohio 公众

APAPA Ohio公众号是APAPA Ohio在俄亥俄华人协会(OCAA)的支持下办的公众号,旨在为俄亥俄的亚裔群体、尤其是华人群体提供一个分享、交流、互助的平台,宣传APAPA Ohio 、OCAA和其他亚裔团体的活动,促进亚裔社区对美国社会、政治、文化、教育、法律等的了解。APAPA的全名是Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (美国亚太联盟),是在美国联邦政府注册的501(c)(3)非营利组织,网址:OhioCAA.org

