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Andrew Yang APAPA俄亥俄 2019-05-29




阵亡将士纪念日于1971年正式成为联邦节假日,但自19世纪60年代以来就一直以某种形式庆祝。今天,许多美国人 - 特别是那些没有服过役的人 - 在谈到战争时,并不真正了解和关心战争造成的后果。我们都会说:“谢谢你们(军人)为国服务。”却很少去深入思考,美国只有不到百分之一的人口服役意味着什么,即使在我们的50个州内,入伍率也存在显著差异,25%的现役军人和退伍军人都有创伤后遗症和其他心理健康问题。

为此,我问了一位我的工作人员 — 一位退伍老兵,在这个阵亡将士纪念日,要提醒美国人些什么。他推荐了一篇文章 — 菲尔·克莱(Phil Klay)的The Warrior at the Mall,我马上产生了共鸣 。克莱先生的观点是,由于只有少数美国人参战,而绝大多数美国人的生活与战争离得很远,对他们来说好像什么都没有发生,所以平民和退伍军人之间已经形成了鸿沟。这个鸿沟必须弥合,或者像克莱先生所说:








我们可以做得更好,我们也会做得更好,为了我们的退伍军人和他们为之牺牲的国家 - 美国。





Yumin --

Happy Memorial Day!  I hope you are enjoying a wonderful day with loved ones and family.

Memorial Day became a federal holiday in 1971, though it has been celebrated in some form since the 1860s.  Today, many Americans—especially those who have not experienced personal loss in this arena—have a natural inclination not to look too closely when it comes to the results of the wars we are fighting or have fought.  We are quick with a, "Thank you for your service."  We are slow to think deeply about what it means that less than one percent of our population serves, and that even within our 50 states, there is a marked difference in enlistment rates, and that 25% of our active duty members and veterans show signs of PTSD and other mental health issues.

To this end, I asked a member of my staff who is a veteran what he would ask of Americans on this Memorial Day.  He recommended an essay that struck a chord with me—Phil Klay's The Warrior at the Mall.  The essence of Mr. Klay's argument is that, as a result of the same minority of Americans spending decades at war while an overwhelming majority carries on with their lives as if nothing is amiss, a chasm has opened up between civilians and veterans.  This chasm must be bridged, or, as Mr. Klay says:

"We risk our country slipping further into the practice of a fraudulent form of American patriotism, where 'soldiers are sacred,' the work of actual soldiering is ignored and the pageantry of military worship sucks energy away from the obligations of citizenship."

Mr. Klay also points out

"Support for our military remains high at a time when respect for almost every other institution is perilously low, so pushing a military angle as a wedge makes a certain kind of sense.  But ... our military is justified only by the civic life and values it exists to defend."

That is, we don't believe in much these days beyond our military.  But the military exists to defend our society itself.

Thus, we owe it to our veterans to take our citizenship seriously enough that it warrants their sacrifices.

If there is a way that we can celebrate this Memorial Day beyond reflecting on and thanking our veterans and members of the armed services for all they have done and given up, it would be to try to become more worthy of their sacrifice.  This includes examining our decisions to put our soldiers into harm's way and how we treat and support them after they return.  It even includes how we treat ourselves and other members of our society.

I met with a veterans' organization this week to learn about their experiences.  Both of the officials I met with served in the Middle East in the Marine Corps.  Now they work at an organization that tries to end the 'Forever Wars' and advocates for Congress regaining its say on military deployments which have fallen solely to the executive branch since 2001.  That is where their patriotism and service has led them.

We can do better.  We will do better.  For our veterans and the country they sacrificed so much for.



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关于APAPA Ohio 公众

APAPA Ohio公众号是APAPA Ohio在俄亥俄华人协会(OCAA)的支持下办的公众号,旨在为俄亥俄的亚裔群体、尤其是华人群体提供一个分享、交流、互助的平台,宣传APAPA Ohio 、OCAA和其他亚裔团体的活动,促进亚裔社区对美国社会、政治、文化、教育、法律等的了解。APAPA的全名是Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (美国亚太联盟),是在美国联邦政府注册的501(c)(3)非营利组织,网址:APAPA.org。



