
人教精通版五年级英语上册Unit5 Lesson30微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃五年级资源 2021-08-10


Just practise

Let's chant


Just practise 练一练
Whose umbrella is this? 这是谁的雨伞?
It's Peter's umbrella. 皮特的。

umbrella 雨伞
fan 扇子
sun cap 遮阳帽
camera 照相机

Just write 写一写

Can you write them? 你会写(下面的)英文吗?

it 它
time 时间
whose 谁的
umbrella 伞
fan 扇子

Let's play玩一玩

Whose umbrella is this? 这是谁的伞?
It's Lisa's umbrella. 这是丽萨的伞。
Is this your camera? 这是你的相机吗?
No, it isn't. 不,不是我的。
It's John's camera. 这是约翰的相机。
Yes, it's my camera. 是的,那是我的相机。

Let's chant 一起唱吧
In windy, winter weather, 在刮风的冬天,
Who wears a warm sweater? 谁穿着厚毛衣?
In windy, winter weather, 在刮风的冬天,
Whose sweater is warmer? 谁的毛衣更厚?

Fun story 趣味故事

Read and act 读并表演

Micky is going to the Hope School 米奇要去希望学校

and send schoolbags, dictionaries, activity books, 发书包、字典、活动手册,

fans, sun caps, and umbrellas for the children there. 扇子,遮阳帽和伞给那里的孩子们。

Micky is walking very fast and the things are dropping to the ground. 米奇走的非常快,东西掉到了地上。

Ms Bear sees the schoolbag. 贝尔先生看到书包。

She asks Mimi, "Is this your schoolbag?" 她问咪咪:“这是你的书包吗?”

"No, it isn't" Mimi answers. “不,不是。”咪咪回答。

Mr Panda sees the sun cap and asks the bird, "Is this your sun cap?" 熊猫先生看到了遮阳帽,问鸟:“这是你的遮阳帽吗?”

the bird answers, "No, it isn't." 鸟回答:“不是。”

Mr Elephant sees the umbrella. 大象看到了雨伞。

He asks the dog, "Is this your umbrella?" 他问狗:“这是你的雨伞吗?” 

"No, it isn't" answers the dog. “不是。”狗回答。

Micky finds there is nothing in his handcart. 米奇在手推车里什么也没找到。

He comes back and sees Mimi, the bird and the dog coming to him. 他回来看到咪咪、鸟和狗正在走向他。

What will they say to Micky? 他们会对米奇说什么呢?

Whose things are these? 这些是谁的东西?

Sorry, they are mine. Thank you! 对不起。是我的。谢谢!



