

点击关注☛ 绿色学习平台 2023-02-12






(  ) 6. Whatkind of movie does Tony like?

A. Comedies.              

B. Thrillers.      

C. Documentaries.

(  ) 7. What’sMary’s favorite fruit?

A. Bananas.    B. Apples.       C.Oranges.

(  ) 8. What’sPeter doing now?

A. He’s watching CD.          

B. He’s cleaning the room.    

C. He’s eating lunch.

(  ) 9. Who’sJim’s best friend?

A. John.       B. Sam.     C.Tim.

(  ) 10. Can theboys play the drums?

A. No, they can’t.        

B. Yes, they can.         

C.I don’t know.


(  ) 11. Whendoes Jim get up?

A. 6:30.                 B. 7:30.             C.8:30.

(  ) 12. Does herun after breakfast?

A. Yes, he does.            

B. No, he doesn’t.         

C. I don’t know.

(  ) 13. Whichnumber bus does he take?

A. The number 8 bus.      

B. Thenumber 18 bus. 

C. The number 80 bus.

(  ) 14. Whatdoes he do after school?

A. He plays the guitar.     

B. Heplays volleyball. 

C. He plays basketball.

(  ) 15. Whattime does he go to bed?

A. Around 10:00.        

B. Around 9:00.         

C.Around 9:30.



(  ) 1.         “f” and         “u” are in the word “fun”.

A. An, a        B. An, an           

C. A, a            D.A, an

(  ) 2. —         is your father? — He’s fine.

A. What         B. Where            

C. How           D.How old

(  ) 3. — Whatcolor         your shoes?

—         Blue.

A. is, It’s         B. is, Is           

C.are, Their         D. are, They’re

(  ) 4. — Let’sgo         soccer with the boys.

— That sounds great.

A. to playing    B. and playing     

C.play             D. and play

(  ) 5. We needa lot of         every day.

A. vegetables     B. meats          

C.broccolis          D. apple

(  ) 6. Jim         like basketball. He         computer games.

A. don’t, like    B. doesn’t, likes    

C.don’t, likes       D. doesn’t, like

(  ) 7. —         these two boys your brothers?

— No,         my friends.

A. Are, it’s       B. Is, it’s           

C.Are, they’re      D. Is, they’re

(  ) 8. I want         the box to my room.

A. to put         B. take            

C.to have          D. to take

(  ) 9. May Ihave a look         your new watch?

A. at            B. for             

C. after             D. with

(  ) 10. Look!Some broccoli         in the box. Some apples         in the bag.

A. are, are     B. is, is            

C. are, is           D.is, are

(  ) 11. This isa picture of         family.

A. Jim          B. Jim’s           

C.Jims             D. Jims’

(  ) 12. Herbirthday is         February.

A. in            B. on              

C. at                D. for

(  ) 13. Paulusually goes to the movie         weekends.

A. on           B. in              

C. to                D. for

(  ) 14. — Can Ihelp you?

—         .

A. Yes, I can      B. No, Icannot    

C.Yes, I do        D. Yes, please

(  ) 15. Marycan play         guitar but she can’t play         chess.

A. the, the        B. the, /            

C./, the            D. a, a

(  ) 16. —         are the pants?

— They’re 50 dollars.

A. How       B. How much     

C. Where          D.What

(  ) 17. Helikes         but he doesn’t like        .

A. thriller, comedy                  

B. thrillers, comedies        

C. thriller, comedies               

D. thrillers, comedies

(  ) 18. Thebaby is only ten        .

A. month old                     

B. months years old        

C. months old                     

D. monthes years

(  ) 19. — Whatcan Cindy do?

— She can        .

A. swims        B. swimming     

C. to swim       D. swim

(  ) 20. Thanks         your photo of family.

A. for           B. of             

C.to                 D.at


1. The computer and the CD are on the table.对画线部分提问

                the computer and the CD?

2. They’re apples.改为单数形式


3. They can play the guitar well.改为否定句

They                 the guitar well.

4. Julia likes ping-pong very much.改为一般疑问句

        Julia         ping-pong very much

5. Jim wants to watch TV on Sunday.改为否定句

Jim                 to watch TV on Sunday.


(  ) 1. How do you spell “computer”?

(  ) 2. Is she your friend?

(  ) 3. Can she play the violin?

(  ) 4. Where do you live (居住)?

(  ) 5. Does Betty have a soccer ball?

(  ) 6. How much is the red coat?

(  ) 7. What time is it?

(  ) 8. What color is the cat?

(  ) 9. When is your birthday?

(  ) 10. Why does he like math?

A: It’s ¥ 5.

B: No, she can’t.

C: No, she isn’t.

D: No, she doesn’t.

E: It’s nine thirty.

F: It’s black.

G: It’s in January.

H: I live in Anji.

I: Because it’s  interesting.

J: C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R.


Dear David,

Thank you very much __1__ your letter. Beijing __2__ beautiful! I likeBeijing __3__ I like China. Now I’m fine and I’m busy with my lessons. I haveseven classes every day. There are __4__ in the morning and three in the afternoon.I have nine __5__ this term (学期). I like math, biology andhistory. My __6__ subject is science, because it is very interesting. MyEnglish is very __7__, and I like it. But I __8__ like Chinese, because it istoo difficult __9__ me, and I can’t learn it well. Do you play soccer? Can you__10__ Chinese? I hope you can come to China one day.



(  ) 1. A. to                         B.of                     

C. for                    D. with

(  ) 2. A. am                       B.is                     

C. are                   D. be

(  ) 3. A. because                B.or                     

C. but                   D. and

(  ) 4. A. one                      B.two                  

C. three                 D. four

(  ) 5. A. subjects                B.weeks               

C. teachers            D. clubs

(  ) 6. A. good                    B.favorite             

C. like                  D. more

(  ) 7. A. good                    B.well                  

C. better                D. fine

(  ) 8. A. doesn’t                 B.am                   

C. don’t                D. do

(  ) 9. A. for                       B.at                     

C. about                D. with

(  ) 10. A. tell                     B.talk                  

C. say                   D. speak




An old tiger lives in the forest. He doesn’t want to lookfor food himself (他自己). He often tellsother animals to bring him something to eat.

He sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry. Go to the village (村庄) and bring me a fat pig.”

“Oh, Tiger,” says the monkey. “I can’t do that now. There is anothertiger over there. He wants a fat pig, too. He won’t let me get anything for youto eat. I’m afraid of him.”

“What?” cries theold tiger, “Show me that tiger. I’ll teach him a lesson.”

“Come with me,” says the monkey. The monkey and the tiger get to a bridge() over the river. “Now lookdown at the water,” says the monkey. “Do you see the head, the white teeth andthe large (大的) green eyes of atiger?” “Yes, I do.” cries the old tiger. “I’ll eat him up!” With these words,the tiger jumps into the river.

(  ) 1. Thereare two tigers and a monkey in the forest.

(  ) 2. Themonkey is very clever.

(  ) 3. Thetiger catches the other one in the river.

(  ) 4. Thetiger is not clever.

(  ) 5. Themonkey jumps into the river, too.


Mr. and Mrs. Smith come from America. They teach English in Yangsi MiddleSchool in China. They like their jobs. They have a son, Tom and a daughter,Mary. They are all in China now. Mr. Smith can speak Chinese. He likes swimmingand singing. Mrs. Smith likes swimming and running. Tom and Mary like playingchess. They often play games with Chinese boys and girls.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith like Chinese food very much, but Tom and Mary don’tlike it. They like French fries and hamburgers. Mrs. Smith wants them to eatmore vegetables and fruit. One day, Mrs. Smith cooks some vegetables for them.Tom sees them and says, “ I am full (饱的).” And Mary says, “I havesomething to do.” And she runs away (跑开).


(  ) 6. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are from ____.

A. America            B. China          

C.England             D. France

(  ) 7. Mrs. Smith is a(n) ____teacher.

A. Chinese            B. P.E            

C. English             D. French

(  ) 8. What does Mr. Smith like?

A. Playing sports.                    

B. Swimming and singing.           

C. Playing chess.                      

D. Swimming and running.

(  ) 9. Why don’t Tom and Mary eat the vegetables Mrs. Smithcooks one day?

A. Because they don’t like them.

B. Because they like Chinese food.

C. Because they are full.

D. Because they are busy.

(  ) 10. Which of the following id not true (下面哪项陈述是错误的)?

A. Tom often plays games with Chinese boys and girls.

B. Mrs. Smith likes her job.

C. Mary is in China now.

D. Tom and Mary are students.


My name is Linda Brown. I’m 14 years old. I am an American girl. I havetwo brothers, Sam and Mike. I often play tennis on weekends. It’s my favoritesport. I enjoy music at school. It’s very interesting. My favorite movie is WHO AM I. It’s an action movie. Do youknow it?

Please write and tell me about yourself

根据短文内容完成ID card。(5分)


根据下列信息,以“My English teacher”为题写一篇短文,所给信息必须全部表达出来。

Name: Susan White

Date of birth: September  28th

Age: 23

Nationality: England

Job: English teacher

Favorite sport: swimming

Favorite food: Chinese  dumplings

Favorite color: white



1.   B      2.   A       3.   C      4.   C       5.   B 

6.   B      7.   C       8.   B      9.   B      10.   A 

11.   A     12.   B      13.   B     14.   C      15.   A 



1.    A      2.   C       3.   D      4.   D       5.   A 

6.    B      7.   C       8.   D      9.   A      10.   D 

11.   B     12.   A      13.   A     14.   D      15.   B 

16.   B     17.   D      18.   C     19.   D      20.   A 


1. Where  are   

2. It’s  an        

3. can’t   play          

4.does  like   

5. doesn’t want


1.    J      2.   C       3.   B      4.   H       5.   D 

6.    A      7.   E       8.   F      9.   G      10.   I 


1.    C      2.   B       3.   D      4.   D       5.   A

6.    B     7.   A       8.   C      9.   A      10.   D 


1.    F      2.   T       3.   F      4.   T       5.   F 

6.    A      7.   C       8.   B      9.   A      10.   D 


1. Linda Brown     

2. 14 / Fourteen years old      


4. music           

5. WHO AM I?



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