
仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit 3 Topic 2 知识点+测试(含听力)

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Unit 3 Topic 2What sweet music!


【重点短语】1.go to a concert 去音乐会2.at the concert 在音乐会3.give the concert 举行音乐会4.lend sb. sth.= lend sth. to sb. 把某物借给某人5.musical instruments 乐器6.join sb. 加入某人,和某人在一起7.pop/fork/classical/rock/country music流行音乐/民歌/古典音乐/摇滚音乐/乡村音乐8.everyday life 日常生活9.be popular with 受……欢迎10.be famous/known for 因为……而著名   be famous/known as 作为……而著名11.at the age of… 在……岁时12.by oneself 独自13.start/begin doing sth.     start/begin to do sth.开始做某事14.all kinds of 各种各样15.what a pity 多么遗憾16.hip hop 嬉蹦乐【重点句型】1.--What are you going to do this Sunday evening?   --I’m going to a concert.   --星期天晚上你打算做什么?   --我打算去音乐会。2.--What time is it going to start?   --At 7:30 p.m.   --音乐会什么时候开始?   --七点半。3.--Why not come with me?   --I’d love to, but I am going to watch movies with Stave.   --和我一起来怎么样?   --我很愿意,但我打算和Stave去看电影。4.What sweet music!多么甜美音乐!5.--What kind of music do you like?   --It’s hard to say.   --你喜欢哪种音乐?   --很难说。6.Pop music often comes and goes quickly.流行音乐通常来得快去的快。7.They are very popular with young people.它们非常受年轻人的欢迎。8.Everyone loves music but different people have different tastes.每个人都喜欢音乐,但是不同的人有不同的口味。9.Good music brings people comfort and peace of mind.好的音乐带给人们舒适和心灵的宁静。【重点语法】感叹句/be going to的用法1.What a pity! (Page 61)真遗憾!这是一个由what引导的感叹句。what引导感叹句的基本构成为:
what + a / an +(形容词)+可数名词单数!
what +(形容词)+可数名词复数/不可数名词!如:
1)What a stupid question!多么愚蠢的问题啊!
2)What lively boys they are! 多么活泼的男孩子们啊

2.What are you going to do this Sunday evening?(Page61) 这一周日晚上你想干什么?1)“be going to” 是一般将来时的一种表达方法.它表示:
  • 现在打算在最近或将来要做某事. 如: Tom is going to Beijing with his father next week.
  • 说话人根据已有的迹象认为可能要发生某事. 如:  There are a lot of dark clouds. It’s going to rain.
2) “be going to”句式的基本结构:肯定句:主语+be going to …           eg. He is going to stay at school.否定句:主语+be + not +going to…      eg. I’m not going to the library this afternoon.一般疑问句: Be +主语+going to…      eg. Are you going to play tennis next week?3)be going to 用于there be 结构时要用There be going to be + 主语+其它形式.如:     There is going to be a football game tomorrow.4)与be going to 连用的时间状语有: next week/month/year, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, this evening, in the future等.

【话题写作】最近你校校园网上出现了一个英语帖子,意在了解同学们在体育爱好、艺术特长等方面的情况,请你用“李华”这一网名,根据以下三个提示回贴。提示:(1) What’s your favorite …?           (2) What do you often do in your spare time?        (3) What’s your advice to your teacher or school so that you can improve your skill?要求:(1) 回帖中须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。           (2) 回帖中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。           (3) 词数:80个左右。词汇:提高improve,技能skill
参考范文:Li Hua, 11:00 December,16    I like sports and my favoritesport is basketball. Every day I practice basketball with my classmates afterschool. I also enjoy listening to music but I can’t sing well. I’m afraid to singin front of people. I hope our school will start a singing club. I’m sure I canmake great progress with the help of our teachers. I also hope there will beless homework on weekends. Then I can have more time to do what I’m interestedin.



仁爱版初中英语八年级上册Unit3 Topic2 测试点击右上侧绿色即可收听听力↗

(考试时间:90分钟, 满分:100分)







第一部分  听力(20分)

Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

1. _______   2. _______   3. _______   4. _______   5. _______

Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

(    )6. A. Country music.         

          B. Pop music.              

          C. Pop music and rock music.

(    )7. A. Just so-so.                

          B. Yes, I’d love.           

          C. Sure. Go ahead!

(    )8. A. Violin. B. Classical music. 

          C. At the concert.

(    )9. A. Because it’s sweet.     

          B. Because it’s noisy.    

          C. Because it’s wonderful.

(    )10. A. I can play soccer.     

            B. I can perform ballet.        

            C. I can play the piano.

Ⅲ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。(5分)

(    )11. A. Because it’s too serious.

            B. Because it’s too noisy.

            C. Because it’s too quiet.

(    )12. A. Yes, he does.

            B. No, he doesn’t.

            C. I don’t know.

(    )13. A. Pleasant. B. Useful. C. Boring.

(    )14. A. Violin music.          

            B. Classical music.              

            C. Rock music.

(    )15. A. Pop music. B. Classical music. C. Folk music.

Ⅳ. 听对话,选择正确答案。对话读三遍。(5分)






Used to




Pop music


Classical music



Listen to music


Jazz music



A.     Folk music

B.      Serious

C.      Listen to music

D.     Rock music

E.      Country music

16.           17.          18.          19.          20.          

第二部分  基础知识运用(55分)

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10分)

(    )1. The music _______ beautiful.

          A. looks B. feels  C. hears  D. sounds

(    )2. —Jane, can you play _______ baseball?

          —No, I can’t. But I can play _______ violin.

          A. the; the  B. /; the  C. /; /   D. the; /

(    )3. —Jackie Chan is a famous actor.

          —Yes, he is popular _______ many young people.

          A. for   B. as   C. with   D. to

(    )4. —Could I _______ your violin?

         —Sorry, I _______ it to Li Lei yesterday.

          A. borrow; borrowed  B. lend; lent

          C. borrow; lent            D. lend; borrowed

(    )5. Liu Dehua, Jay Chou and Lin Junjie are famous _______ their pop songs.

          A. as   B. for  C. with   D. of

(    )6. —What do you do _______?

          —I practice English _______.

          A. everyday; everyday  B. everyday; every day

          C. every day; everyday D. every day; every day

(    )7. There is going to _______ a football match the day after tomorrow.

          A. have B. has C. host   D. be

(    )8. —Hi, Linda. _______ a hot day! Let’s go swimming, OK?

          —That’s a good idea!

          A. How  B. What   C. /    D. Which

(    )9. Drums and pianos are the same in some ways because _______ makes their sounds.

         A. blowing B. taking C. hitting  D. moving

(    )10. —I’m busy. I can’t go shopping with you tomorrow.


          A. I’d love to.    B. Wonderful!       

          C. What a pity!    D. Go ahead!

Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分)


A:What do you often do in your free time?

B:  11 

A:It’s great! But I can’t play the piano. I can play the guitar.

B:  12 

A:I like pop music. What about you?

B:I also like it.   13   I like folk music best. I’m Tenger’s fan. I like singing all of his songs.

A:I know little about folk music, but I enjoy listening to Song Zuying’s songs.

B:  14 

A:Yes, I like them. My favorite English song is Yesterday once More.

B:  15   But I prefer Take Me to Your Heart.

A. What kind of music do you like?

B. It is a sweet song.

C. I like playing the piano.

D. Classical music is serious music.

E. Do you like English songs?

F. Do you like foreign music?

G. But it’s not my favorite.

11.          12.          13.          14.          15.         

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)

Louis Armstrong, a great American Jazz musician, was born in “the birthplace of jazz” —New Orleans in 1901. His father left home without a word and never returned. He had a    16   life when he was young. Sometimes he had to make money by himself to help support the family. But he showed a great   17   in music. He bought an old cornet (短号)   18   the money he made and taught   19   how to play.

In 1913, he was taken to a home for bad boys. There, he   20   a band (乐队) and practiced very hard. In 1914, he left the boys’ home. A famous cornet player, Joe Oliver, found that he was a   21   musician. Then he liked him and   22   him a lot. Louis Armstrong followed Joe Oliver and played with his band in Chicago.

Two years later, he left Joe Oliver’s band and joined   23   band started by Fletcher Henderson in New York. People there liked his playing very much. In 1926, Louis made his first   24   under his name. His name and music were known by the people all over the world. He was called the   25   of Jazz. He died in 1971. But he lives in people’s hearts forever.

(    )16. A. hard  B. happy  C. sad D. interesting

(    )17. A. hobby  B. interest  C. happiness  D. fun

(    )18. A. used   B. with  C. for  D. without

(    )19. A. people  B. children  C. himself  D. father

(    )20. A. found   B. had   C. liked  D. joined

(    )21. A. born     B. good  C. bad  D. great

(    )22. A. gave     B. provide  C. taught   D. talked

(    )23. A. other    B. another  C. the other  D. one

(    )24. A. record  B. money    C. card      D. band

(    )25. A. Lover    B. Father     C. Player   D. Band

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(30分)


(    )26. Avril became a singer when she was 27 years old.

(    )27. She asked a famous writer to write songs for her.

(    )28. Only Canadian people like her songs very much.

(    )29. She wants to sing and rock all over the world.

(    )30. Avril is a quiet and lovely girl.


(    )31. Chopin was _______.

       A. the greatest musician in the world        

       B. a famous Polish pianist

       C. a famous Paris pianist                         

       D. one of the greatest musicians inHungary

(    )32. The wonderful piano concert started _______.

       A. after all the lights were turned on        

       B. when Liszt sat down at the piano

       C. after the lights were turned off            

       D. when Chopin went to the piano

(    )33. When the music came to an end, _______.

        A. Liszt stood at the piano

        B. all the lights were turned off again

        C. Chopin stood at the piano

        D. people went out of the hall

(    )34. Chopin became famous _______.

        A. before he came to the concert             

        B. because he was a student of Liszt’s

        C. because people in Paris liked him very much

        D. since he played so well at the concert

(    )35. From the story we know _______.

        A. Chopin could be famous because of his own talent and the help from Liszt

        B. Liszt planned to make Chopin famous

        C. Liszt was Chopin’s teacher

        D. one could be famous only with the help of a famous pianist

(  )36. If ten people are playing “Musical Chairs”, you must begin with ___________.

            A. nine chairs       B. ten chairs        C. eleven chairs      D. one chair

(  )37. Which of the following is not proper for playing “Musical Chairs”?

             A. A piano.         B. A radio.         C. A tape recorder.    D. A telephone.

(  )38. The chairs should be put __________.

            A. in a line         B. with the desks   C. before the winner   D. all over the room

(  )39. When the music starts, the players must ___________.

  A. run about the room                  B. get down

  C. walk around the chairs               D. sit on the chairs

(  )40. Which of the following is NOT true?[来源:学科网]

   A. The winner can sit on the chair.

   B. At last there will be two players and two chairs.

   C. If the person plays music, he cannot be the winner.

   D. The game “Musical Chairs” is not difficult to learn.

第三部分  写作(25分)

Ⅰ. 词汇。(10分)


1. The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest w_______ in the world.

2. I like taking n_______ in class.

3. The famous singer could sing songs at the a_______ of five.

4. I like pop music. It is always about love and e_______ life.

5. —Could you l_______ me your bike, please?

   —Sure, here you are.


6. —What kind of musical _______ (乐器) can you play?


7. “Do you like pop music?” he asks me with a _______ (微笑).

8. Collecting stamps can make us learn more about the _______ (文化) of a place.

9. —Who is going to sing at the _______ (音乐会)?

    —Celine Dion.                         

10. Light music can bring us comfort and _______ (宁静) of mind.

Ⅱ. 句型转换。(5分)

11. My brother likes rock music a lot. (改为否定句)

     My brother _______ _______ rock music _______ _______.

12. She is a lovely girl. (改为感叹句)

     _______ a _______ girl she is!

13. I like country music. (对画线部分提问)

     _______ _______ of music do you like?

14. She is going to learn dancing and singing. (改为选择疑问句)

      _______ she going to learn dancing _______ singing?

15. Can you lend your pencil to me?(同义句转换)

     May _______ _______ your pencil?

Ⅲ. 书面表达。(10分)



(1) What’s your favorite …?

(2) What do you often do in your spare time?

(3) What’s your advice to your teacher or school so that you can improve your skill?


(1) 回帖中须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。

(2) 回帖中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。

(3) 词数:80个左右。



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